The Journey to Calm: A Review of "The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down" by Haemin Sunim

The Journey to Calm: A Review of “The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down” by Haemin Sunim


Life often feels like a relentless stream of activity, but Haemin Sunim’s book *The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down* offers a profound alternative. As a Zen Buddhist teacher, Sunim crafts an invitation to pause and absorb the quieter, deeper experiences that enrich our lives. In this review, I’ll share how the book intertwines the themes of mindfulness, compassion, reflection, community, and acceptance with everyday realities, creating a resonant guide for navigating our chaotic times.

Instead of merely listing themes, let’s explore how Sunim articulates the importance of mindfulness through the engaging stories and practical advice he offers. For instance, a memorable passage describes a simple act of watching leaves fall on a busy street, highlighting the serene beauty accessible in momentary pauses. This anecdote, among others, vividly illustrates the transformative power of awareness in everyday settings.

These insights aren’t just abstract concepts but are reflections grounded in my own experiences as well as Sunim’s teachings. For example, practicing his recommended morning meditation has shifted my start into a calmer, more centered pace, which illustrates the potential impact of incorporating these practices into daily routines.

Rather than promising a panacea, *The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down* encourages us to explore and apply Sunim’s teachings thoughtfully. I challenge you, as readers, to experiment with one of these practices over the next week perhaps embracing moments of silence amid the hustle—and observe the subtle yet profound shifts in your daily life.

This review is not just an overview of Sunim’s work; it’s an invitation to dialogue about how slowing down can reshape our perceptions and interactions. Let’s delve into these pages together and discover the calm that awaits.

The Heart of Stillness

In “The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down”, Haemin Sunim offers clear and accessible insights into living more mindfully. He asserts, “When you slow down, the world opens up.” This principle is vividly demonstrated through practical exercises and relatable anecdotes that encourage readers to find peace in everyday moments. For example, Sunim suggests brief meditative pauses that can be integrated into daily routines, effectively showing how small changes can enhance our perception of the world. Instead of merely advising us to appreciate the present, the book provides tangible methods to experience and practice this awareness, contrasting our usual hurried pace with the enriched experience of mindful living.

Embracing Compassion

Haemin Sunim emphasizes that compassion towards others starts with being kind to oneself. His advice, “To be compassionate to others, first be compassionate to yourself,” resonated with me, especially during a time filled with self-doubt. Sunim suggests practical methods like engaging in mindful self-reflection and adopting daily affirmations. One affirmation that transformed my perspective was, “I am enough, and I grow with kindness,” which helped diminish my self-criticism and increased my empathy towards others. This personal shift highlighted how cultivating self-compassion can significantly improve our social interactions and overall community health.

Reflection: The Mirror to the Soul

Haemin Sunim champions reflection to unearth deeper insights into our personal challenges. He introduces specific practices like guided meditations that prompt us to explore our thoughts and emotions without judgment. One practice that stood out involves a daily journaling exercise where I wrote down my fears and aspirations, allowing me to confront and understand them clearly. This method not only helped me during a period of intense personal conflict but also demonstrated how reflection fosters a profound connection with our core values, catalyzing genuine personal transformation.

The Strength of Community

Haemin Sunim emphasizes the transformative power of community in fostering peace. He advocates practical activities like shared meditations and community service projects, which not only bring people together but strengthen bonds through collective action. One impactful story from the book involves a community that rebuilt a local park together, deepening their connections and creating a lasting sanctuary for everyone. This example illustrates how, even in an era dominated by digital interactions, engaging in tangible communal efforts can significantly counter feelings of isolation, reinforcing Sunim’s belief that unity fosters strength.

Letting Go to Move Forward

Haemin Sunim’s assertion, “Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness,” profoundly impacted me. Through his guidance, I released my constant need for control, which transformed my approach to personal relationships, making them more open and fulfilling. This practical application of letting go demonstrates its power, moving beyond mere philosophy to real-life benefits, and acknowledges the challenges inherent in changing long-standing habits.

Strengths and Reflections

Sunim’s book stands as a beacon for those yearning for tranquility in the tumult of life. Its strength lies in its simplicity and the universality of its messages. However, one might argue that the book’s broad strokes may not address specific challenges or offer detailed guidance for deeper issues. Yet, in its essence, it provides a foundation upon which individual paths to peace can be built.

Applying Sunim’s Teachings

Haemin Sunim’s teachings, when applied, profoundly reshape daily routines and interactions. For instance, by integrating moments of mindfulness into my morning, such as a brief meditation before work, I’ve noticed a significant shift in handling stress during high-pressure meetings. This practice helps maintain a calm, collected demeanor, facilitating more thoughtful and effective responses. Such adjustments, though small, not only enhance personal well-being but also strengthen relationships by promoting presence and empathy in interactions with others. Sunim’s advice acknowledges the challenges of slowing down but offers practical steps to overcome them, making mindfulness accessible even in busy lives.


*The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down* isn’t just a book; it’s a guide to practical tranquility. Haemin Sunim offers tangible tools for navigating life’s chaos, from simple mindfulness exercises to profound reflections. Let Sunim’s wisdom infuse your daily life, illuminating the path to peace amidst the rush. As you close this chapter, may you find solace and clarity in each mindful moment, embracing the calm that comes when we simply slow down.

Table of Contents

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